#!/bin/sh ############################################################################### # # install-full-node.sh # # This is the install script for Bitcoin full node based on Bitcoin Core. # # *** SCRIPT AVAILABILITY ***************************************************** # # This script is available from: # https://bitnodes.io/install-full-node.sh # # Checksum file: # https://bitnodes.io/install-full-node.sh.sha256sum # # Signed checksum file: # https://bitnodes.io/install-full-node.sh.sha256sum.asc # # *** SCRIPT VERIFICATION ***************************************************** # # To verify the integrity of install-full-node.sh: # # Skip step 1 to 3 if you have already imported Bitnodes GPG public key. # # 1) Download Bitnodes GPG public key from https://bitnodes.io/bitnodes.gpg # # $ wget https://bitnodes.io/bitnodes.gpg # # 2) Check that the key ID matches E6F70B39916272508FBDEAB7A92FB2B8A33B9C42 # # $ gpg --show-keys bitnodes.gpg # # pub rsa4096 2023-05-21 [SC] # E6F70B39916272508FBDEAB7A92FB2B8A33B9C42 # uid Bitnodes # sub rsa4096 2023-05-21 [E] # # 3) If the key ID matches, continue to import the key. If it doesn't match, # please contact info@bitnodes.io. # # $ gpg --import bitnodes.gpg # # gpg: key A92FB2B8A33B9C42: public key "Bitnodes " imported # gpg: Total number processed: 1 # gpg: imported: 1 # # 4) Download the checksum files for install-full-node.sh # # $ wget https://bitnodes.io/install-full-node.sh.sha256sum.asc https://bitnodes.io/install-full-node.sh.sha256sum # # 5) Verify the checksum of install-full-node.sh # # $ gpg --verify install-full-node.sh.sha256sum.asc && sha256sum -c install-full-node.sh.sha256sum # # gpg: assuming signed data in 'install-full-node.sh.sha256sum' # gpg: Signature made Sun 21 May 2023 03:44:13 AM UTC # gpg: using RSA key E6F70B39916272508FBDEAB7A92FB2B8A33B9C42 # gpg: issuer "info@bitnodes.io" # gpg: Good signature from "Bitnodes " [unknown] # gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature! # gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner. # Primary key fingerprint: E6F7 0B39 9162 7250 8FBD EAB7 A92F B2B8 A33B 9C42 # install-full-node.sh: OK # # *** SCRIPT USAGE ************************************************************ # # This script attempts to make your node automatically reachable by other nodes # in the network. This is done by using uPnP to open port 8333 on your router # to accept incoming connections to port 8333 and route the connections to your # node running inside your local network. # # For security reason, wallet functionality is not enabled by default. # # Supported OS: Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, Windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux) # Supported platforms: x86, x86_64, ARM # # Usage: # # Open your terminal and type: # $ curl https://bitnodes.io/install-full-node.sh | sh # # Bitcoin Core will be installed using binaries provided by bitcoincore.org. # # If the binaries for your system are not available, the installer will attempt # to build and install Bitcoin Core from source. # # All files will be installed into $HOME/bitcoin-core directory. Layout of this # directory after the installation is shown below: # # Source files: # $HOME/bitcoin-core/bitcoin/ # # Binaries: # $HOME/bitcoin-core/bin/ # # Configuration file: # $HOME/bitcoin-core/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf # # Blockchain data files: # $HOME/bitcoin-core/.bitcoin/blocks # $HOME/bitcoin-core/.bitcoin/chainstate # # Need help? Contact info@bitnodes.io # ############################################################################### REPO_URL="https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git" # See https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/tags for latest version. VERSION=27.0 TARGET_DIR=$HOME/bitcoin-core PORT=8333 BUILD=0 UNINSTALL=0 BLUE='\033[94m' GREEN='\033[32;1m' YELLOW='\033[33;1m' RED='\033[91;1m' RESET='\033[0m' ARCH=$(uname -m) SYSTEM=$(uname -s) MAKE="make" if [ "$SYSTEM" = "FreeBSD" ]; then MAKE="gmake" fi SUDO="" usage() { cat <] [-t ] [-p ] [-b] [-u] -h Print usage. -v Version of Bitcoin Core to install. Default: $VERSION -t Target directory for source files and binaries. Default: $HOME/bitcoin-core -p Bitcoin Core listening port. Default: $PORT -b Build and install Bitcoin Core from source. Default: $BUILD -u Uninstall Bitcoin Core. EOF } print_info() { printf "$BLUE$1$RESET\n" } print_success() { printf "$GREEN$1$RESET\n" sleep 1 } print_warning() { printf "$YELLOW$1$RESET\n" } print_error() { printf "$RED$1$RESET\n" sleep 1 } print_start() { print_info "Start date: $(date)" } print_end() { print_info "\nEnd date: $(date)" } print_readme() { cat < /dev/null 2>&1 return $? } create_target_dir() { if [ ! -d "$TARGET_DIR" ]; then print_info "\nCreating target directory: $TARGET_DIR" mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR fi } init_system_install() { if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then if program_exists "sudo"; then SUDO="sudo" print_info "\nInstalling required system packages.." else print_error "\nsudo program is required to install system packages. Please install sudo as root and rerun this script as normal user." exit 1 fi fi } install_miniupnpc() { print_info "Installing miniupnpc from source.." $SUDO rm -rf miniupnpc-2.2.4 miniupnpc-2.2.4.tar.gz && wget -q http://miniupnp.free.fr/files/miniupnpc-2.2.4.tar.gz -O miniupnpc-2.2.4.tar.gz && \ tar xzf miniupnpc-2.2.4.tar.gz && \ cd miniupnpc-2.2.4 && \ $SUDO $MAKE install > build.out 2>&1 && \ cd .. && \ $SUDO rm -rf miniupnpc-2.2.4 miniupnpc-2.2.4.tar.gz } install_debian_build_dependencies() { $SUDO apt-get update $SUDO apt-get install -y \ automake \ autotools-dev \ build-essential \ curl \ git \ libboost-all-dev \ libevent-dev \ libminiupnpc-dev \ libssl-dev \ libtool \ pkg-config } # This applies also for Fedora distribution. install_centos_build_dependencies() { $SUDO yum install -y \ automake \ boost-devel \ curl \ gcc-c++ \ git \ libevent-devel \ libtool \ make \ openssl-devel \ wget install_miniupnpc echo '/usr/lib' | $SUDO tee /etc/ld.so.conf.d/miniupnpc-x86.conf > /dev/null && $SUDO ldconfig } install_archlinux_build_dependencies() { $SUDO pacman -S --noconfirm \ automake \ boost \ curl \ git \ libevent \ libtool \ miniupnpc \ openssl } install_alpine_build_dependencies() { $SUDO apk update $SUDO apk add \ autoconf \ automake \ boost-dev \ build-base \ curl \ git \ libevent-dev \ libtool \ openssl-dev install_miniupnpc } install_mac_build_dependencies() { if ! program_exists "gcc"; then print_info "When the popup appears, click 'Install' to install the XCode Command Line Tools." xcode-select --install fi if ! program_exists "brew"; then /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" fi brew install \ --c++11 \ automake \ boost \ libevent \ libtool \ miniupnpc \ openssl \ pkg-config } install_freebsd_build_dependencies() { $SUDO pkg install -y \ autoconf \ automake \ boost-libs \ curl \ git \ gmake \ libevent \ libtool \ miniupnpc \ openssl \ pkgconf \ wget } install_build_dependencies() { init_system_install case "$SYSTEM" in Linux) if program_exists "apt-get"; then install_debian_build_dependencies elif program_exists "yum"; then install_centos_build_dependencies elif program_exists "pacman"; then install_archlinux_build_dependencies elif program_exists "apk"; then install_alpine_build_dependencies else print_error "\nSorry, your system is not supported by this installer." exit 1 fi ;; Darwin) install_mac_build_dependencies ;; FreeBSD) install_freebsd_build_dependencies ;; *) print_error "\nSorry, your system is not supported by this installer." exit 1 ;; esac } build_bitcoin_core() { cd $TARGET_DIR if [ ! -d "$TARGET_DIR/bitcoin" ]; then print_info "\nDownloading Bitcoin Core source files.." git clone --quiet $REPO_URL fi cxxflags="" ldflags="" if [ "$SYSTEM" = "Linux" ]; then ram_kb=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') if [ $ram_kb -lt 1500000 ]; then # Tune gcc to use less memory on single board computers. cxxflags="--param ggc-min-expand=1 --param ggc-min-heapsize=32768" fi fi if [ "$SYSTEM" = "FreeBSD" ]; then cxxflags="-I/usr/local/include" ldflags="-L/usr/local/lib" fi print_info "\nBuilding Bitcoin Core v$VERSION" print_info "Build output: $TARGET_DIR/bitcoin/build.out" print_info "This can take up to an hour or more.." rm -f build.out cd bitcoin && git fetch > build.out 2>&1 && git checkout "v$VERSION" 1>> build.out 2>&1 && git clean -f -d -x 1>> build.out 2>&1 && ./autogen.sh 1>> build.out 2>&1 && ./configure \ CXXFLAGS="$cxxflags" \ LDFLAGS="$ldflags" \ --disable-maintainer-mode \ --without-gui \ --with-miniupnpc \ --disable-wallet \ --disable-tests \ --enable-upnp-default \ 1>> build.out 2>&1 && $MAKE 1>> build.out 2>&1 if [ ! -f "$TARGET_DIR/bitcoin/src/bitcoind" ]; then print_error "Build failed. See $TARGET_DIR/bitcoin/build.out" exit 1 fi } get_bin_url() { url="https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-$VERSION" case "$SYSTEM" in Linux) if program_exists "apk"; then echo "" elif [ "$ARCH" = "armv7l" ]; then url="$url/bitcoin-$VERSION-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz" echo "$url" else url="$url/bitcoin-$VERSION-$ARCH-linux-gnu.tar.gz" echo "$url" fi ;; Darwin) url="$url/bitcoin-$VERSION-$ARCH-apple-darwin.tar.gz" echo "$url" ;; FreeBSD) echo "" ;; *) echo "" ;; esac } download_bin() { checksum_url="https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-$VERSION/SHA256SUMS" cd $TARGET_DIR rm -f bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz checksum.asc print_info "\nDownloading Bitcoin Core binaries.." if program_exists "wget"; then wget -q "$1" -O bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz && wget -q "$checksum_url" -O checksum.asc && mkdir -p bitcoin-$VERSION && tar xzf bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz -C bitcoin-$VERSION --strip-components=1 elif program_exists "curl"; then curl -s "$1" -o bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz && curl -s "$checksum_url" -o checksum.asc && mkdir -p bitcoin-$VERSION && tar xzf bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz -C bitcoin-$VERSION --strip-components=1 else print_error "\nwget or curl program is required to continue. Please install wget or curl as root and rerun this script as normal user." exit 1 fi if program_exists "shasum"; then checksum=$(shasum -a 256 bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz | awk '{ print $1 }') if grep -q "$checksum" checksum.asc; then print_success "Checksum passed: bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz ($checksum)" else print_error "Checksum failed: bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz ($checksum). Please rerun this script to download and validate the binaries again." exit 1 fi fi rm -f bitcoin-$VERSION.tar.gz checksum.asc } install_bitcoin_core() { cd $TARGET_DIR print_info "\nInstalling Bitcoin Core v$VERSION" if [ ! -d "$TARGET_DIR/bin" ]; then mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/bin fi if [ ! -d "$TARGET_DIR/.bitcoin" ]; then mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR/.bitcoin fi if [ "$SYSTEM" = "Darwin" ]; then if [ ! -e "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin" ]; then ln -s $TARGET_DIR/.bitcoin "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin" fi else if [ ! -e "$HOME/.bitcoin" ]; then ln -s $TARGET_DIR/.bitcoin $HOME/.bitcoin fi fi if [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/bitcoin/src/bitcoind" ]; then # Install compiled binaries. cp "$TARGET_DIR/bitcoin/src/bitcoind" "$TARGET_DIR/bin/" && cp "$TARGET_DIR/bitcoin/src/bitcoin-cli" "$TARGET_DIR/bin/" && print_success "Bitcoin Core v$VERSION (compiled) installed successfully!" elif [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/bitcoin-$VERSION/bin/bitcoind" ]; then # Install downloaded binaries. cp "$TARGET_DIR/bitcoin-$VERSION/bin/bitcoind" "$TARGET_DIR/bin/" && cp "$TARGET_DIR/bitcoin-$VERSION/bin/bitcoin-cli" "$TARGET_DIR/bin/" && rm -rf "$TARGET_DIR/bitcoin-$VERSION" print_success "Bitcoin Core v$VERSION (binaries) installed successfully!" else print_error "Cannot find files to install." exit 1 fi cat > $TARGET_DIR/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf < $TARGET_DIR/bin/start.sh < $TARGET_DIR/bin/stop.sh < /dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f2) if [ $reachable -eq 200 ]; then print_success "Bitcoin Core is accepting incoming connections at port $PORT!" else print_warning "Bitcoin Core is not accepting incoming connections at port $PORT. You may need to configure port forwarding (https://bitcoin.org/en/full-node#port-forwarding) on your router." fi fi } uninstall_bitcoin_core() { stop_bitcoin_core if [ -d "$TARGET_DIR" ]; then print_info "\nUninstalling Bitcoin Core.." rm -rf $TARGET_DIR # Remove stale symlink. if [ "$SYSTEM" = "Darwin" ]; then if [ -L "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin" ] && [ ! -d "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin" ]; then rm "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin" fi else if [ -L $HOME/.bitcoin ] && [ ! -d $HOME/.bitcoin ]; then rm $HOME/.bitcoin fi fi if [ ! -d "$TARGET_DIR" ]; then print_success "Bitcoin Core uninstalled successfully!" else print_error "Uninstallation failed. Is Bitcoin Core still running?" exit 1 fi else print_error "Bitcoin Core not installed." fi } while getopts ":v:t:p:bu" opt do case "$opt" in v) VERSION=${OPTARG} ;; t) TARGET_DIR=${OPTARG} ;; p) PORT=${OPTARG} ;; b) BUILD=1 ;; u) UNINSTALL=1 ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; ?) usage >& 2 exit 1 ;; esac done WELCOME_TEXT=$(cat < $TARGET_DIR/README.md cat $TARGET_DIR/README.md print_success "If this is your first install, Bitcoin Core may take several hours/days to download a full copy of the blockchain." print_success "\nInstallation completed!" fi fi print_end